Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) on July 19 lashed out at Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar after he said that there was no shortage of beef in Goa and that if there was then he would import it from neighbour states. Slamming Parrikar over his beef remark, VHP asserted that Parrikar was spoiling BJP’s name and that he should immediately submit his resignation.
Following the comment, VHP Leader Surendra Jain said that cow slaughtering was “illegal” in Goa and Karnataka adding that Manohar Parrikar was not only breaking laws in his own state but is motivating Karnataka to do the same. He further said that it was shameful that he was promoting beef and such a man did not deserve to be a chief minister. Surendra Jain also took to Twitter and asked if BJP had become “beef joy party”. “Has BJP become beef joy party? #Parrikar should resign immediately to wash the face of BJP,” he said on Twitter.
This comes a day after Manohar Parrikar kept his stand on the ongoing debate on the beef ban and said that he would import beef from Karnataka if there was a beef shortage in Goa. While speaking in the state assembly, Parrikar said that the beef will be imported after a thorough check by authorised doctors. Has #BJP become #Beaf Joy Party? #Parrikar should resign immediately to wash the face of #BJP .
— Dr.Surendra Jain (@drskj01) July 19, 2017
“We have not closed the option to start getting meat from Belgaum (in Karnataka) to ensure that there is no shortage. I can assure you that inspection of beef from the neighbouring state will be done by a proper and authorised medical doctor, and not others,” Parrikar said.
“The government does not have any intention to restrict bringing animals for slaughter at the Goa Meat Complex from the neighbouring state,” he added.
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