Indian author Chetan Bhagat found himself embroiled in yet another controversy after Bengaluru-based writer and Anvita Bajpai has accused the writer of plagiarism. Anvita has claimed that the Chetan’s “One India girl” is very similar to one her stories ‘Drawing Parallels’ from the book ‘Life, Odds & Ends’. Anvita has also went on to demand damages of Rs 5 lakh from the writer.
Anvita took to Facebook to announce that the Bengaluru court had granted a temporary injunction restraining Chetan Bhagat from selling the book ‘One Indian Girl’. “Mr. Chetan Bhagat, a celebrated writer published a fiction called ONE INDIAN GIRL in the year 2016. Mrs. Anvita Bajpai claims that during the year 2014, when Chetan Bhagat had come to Bangalore for BLF’14, she had given him a copy of her book for writing review; though he denied the notice sent by Anvita Bajpai alleging that one Indian girl published in the year 2016 is nothing but a copy of DRAWING PARALLELS and the theme of her story has been intelligently copied,” Anvita said in a Facebook post.
She further affirmed that she had now moved the civil court demanding permanent injunction restraining Chetan Bhagat and the publisher from selling the book.
This came after Chetan bhagat apparently responded to her legal notice denying the allegations and asserting that his book was completely different from her story. The author also took to Facebook to state that ” it is unthinkable” for him to do what he is being accused of adding that his publishers legal team was taking care of the situation.
“I write universal stories about everyday issues. This could be a misunderstanding and am sure will be clarified as what is being suggested is baseless. My publisher’s legal team will be taking appropriate steps,” he said.
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