Union Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Friday asserted that the world has recognised the importance of Sanskrit and slowly moving towards it. Speaking at an event in Vadodra organised to celebrate the “achievements” of NDA government in the last three years under an umbrella celebration, MODI (Making of Developed India), Mandaviya said “The world, especially those working in the field of computer technology, has understood that it is time to move on from English to Sanskrit. Germany has started a Sanskrit University.”
He was also in praise of the Narendra Modi government. “Today, the world listens to India and is watching India change. Earlier, the world used to change and we used to watch,” said the minister. He also expressed dissatisfaction over how Indians have failed to use the Gir cows to its full potential. “I recently visited Brazil, which the Maharaja of Bhavnagar had gifted 13 Gir cows many years ago.
Today, Brazil has 13 lakh Gir cows. We have this treasure in our backyard, but other countries value it more than us. Narendrabhai (Modi) has highlighted its value,” Indian Express quoted Union Minister of State for Road Transport and Highways and Shipping as saying.
Later, attending Sayaji Start-Up Summit, 2017, at Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Mandaviya appealed to the students to refer to shashtras (sacred scriptures) for research before starting new start-ups. Last month, Mandiya was in news after a Patidar Anmat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) functionary allegedly hurled a shoe at him at a public function in Vallabhipur town of Bhavnagar district .
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