Days after the Tamil Nadu assembly passed a new law to replace the ordinance to conduct Jallikattu, a new petition has been filed in the Supreme Court on January 25 urging to court to ban the controversial bull-taming sport.
The petition that been filed bu the Animal Welfare Board of India, has affirmed that Jalliakttu should be banned and the Supreme Court’s 2014 verdict should be followed as the sport was a torture to the bulls and was dangerous to the people participating as well.
Amid the ongoing protests to lift the ban on the controversial bull-taming sport, Jallikattu, the Tamil Nadu Assembly on January 23 passed the bill to replace the ordinance on Jallikattu. After the uproar in several parts of Tamil Nadu in support Jallikattu, the bill replacing the ordinance passed by the Governer on January 21, was tabled by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Panneerselvam.
The protest which was being carried out peacefully till last week took a violent turn as the angry protesters set the Ice House Police Station to fire, near the Marina Beach. The TN police detained over 100 students who were protesting near Meenakshi Hall in Coimbatore.
In a series of tweet tweeted by Kamal Haasan and other social media users, the cops were seen torching vehicles and hitting women. A number of social media users claimed that police purposely resorted to violence on people who were staging a peaceful protest.
However, the Chennai Police Commissioner S George have rejected all claim cops committing arson during the Jallikattu protests in Chennai asserting that it was altered to create chaos. Terming the sharing of the video to be a “ridiculous” act, S George, Chennai Police Commissioner said, “Videos of Police surfacing on social media are morphed, it’s a matter of investigation.”
He further affirmed that the policemen did not intend to resort to violence on the crowd since the people of the state were protesting peacefully.
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