In a shocking development, a seven-month-old foetus was literally thrown to dogs in South Kashmir’s Shopian district. The picture of abandoned foetus covered in mud has gone viral on social media, hinting at growing insensitivity among the people towards the value of human life.
As per witnesses, on March 24 morning, stray dogs were seen dragging a muddy piece of flesh near a garbage heap. “Two groups of stray packs were trying to drag it away in opposite directions when we arrived.” It was the male foetus, dumped along with the placenta.
The police linked the incident to “unwanted pregnancy in the wake of pre-marital sex.”
“This seems to be a typical case of some unmarried woman having turned pregnant and now to avoid public outcry over delivery of such baby she opted for abortion. Such cases have been on rise in Kashmir,” senior Superintendent of Police Tahir Saleem Khan told InUth.
He said that a case has been filed vide FIR number 45/2017 under section 318 RPC. “We have taken the DNA samples of the foetus for further investigations,” Khan added.
The police official says it was unfortunate that “people have turned so heartless that they can kill an unborn and serve it to dogs to meet their designs.”
“The condition in which the foetus was found dumped near garbage is enough to convey that the criminals wanted it to be eaten by dogs presumably so that there’s no evidence of what had happened but before that police arrived,” he concluded.
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