Kashmiri snowshoe racer, Tanveer Hussain, who was initially denied visa to attend at an international event has landed in soup in the US. The 24-year-old athlete has been arrested and charged for “first degree sexual abuse and endangering welfare” of a girl.
News reports say that Hussain is accused of “inappropriate sexual behavior” with an “underage girl”, an incident, which allegedly took place on February 27 in the village of Saranac Lake. The US officials claim, that there are witnesses to his offence.
After having been denied visa, Hussain was allowed to fly to the US for the sporting event following intense lobbying by US Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer. Tanveer and his manager Abid Khan were initially denied visas by the US embassy in New Delhi causing a stir with many saying he was denied travel documents as the part of Donald Trump’s “anti-Muslim policy.”
Interestingly, on the fateful day when the sexual offence was allegedly committed, Hussain’s manager took to social media to term him a boring guy. “When you have this guy with you on any Travel your whole trip is set be Boring …….. Reason : He Goes , Sleeps , Takes Selfie , Chats on FB and If possible Will give interviews . As If there is nothing is to see around in a trip at New place LOL ;),” Khan had posted.
During an exclusive interaction with InUth, Abid Khan said there seems to be some confusion over the entire episode as Hussain cannot speak English. “He was charged yesterday but in absence of Hindi interpreter and thus no proceedings happened as Attorney said ‘I can’t proceed without certified interpreter’. They have informed me that they are looking for Hindi or Urdu interpreter so that proceedings can take place. Attorney said he (Hussain) not guilty unless proven,” Khan says.
The manager says had the interpreter been available Hussain would have been a free man by now. “Yesterday if he would have got interpreter or would have been able to converse in English, he would have been a free man, with me.”
The Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir Sports Council Waheed Ur Rehman says the state government was trying to ascertain the facts. “Actually he is J&K Bank employee on a private event. We are trying to find out what has happened and to provide him any possible support, if he is innocent, because as far I know, he is a genuine sort of a boy.”
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