Ankur Sharma, the Jammu-based defence lawyer who is representing five of the eight accused in Kathua gangrape case, has been spewing venom against the Muslim Gujjar and Bakarwal tribals. Sharma, who has been actively involved with Hindu Ekta Manch, the organisation that was formed to defend the Kathua rape accused, has alleged that the Kashmiris are conspiring to change the demographics of Jammu.
“We have to take a pledge here, it should also be the agenda of this (Hindu Ekta) Manch that we ensure that we will not sell our land to any outsiders. This is extremely necessary. I am saying this because they are doing a demographic change,” he said, while addressing a rally of the Hindu Ekta Manch in Kathua district last month.
Sharma also believes that the agitation over Kathua rape was to make Hindus feel powerless.
“They (Muslims) have created the Rasana incident (the gangrape and murder of the eight-year-old).They want to make us feel that we are weak. They want to show you that even as their (Muslim), few people are living here and if anything is said against them, anything negative, then you see what happens with you. They want to make you feel this powerlessness that is why they are hatching this conspiracy,” Sharma said.
He not only called for a complete boycott of Muslim Gujjar and Bakerwals, but also asked Hindus to be prepared to pick up arms.
“When we know that the person (Muslim) in front of us is our enemy who is using all the resources to strengthen himself so that they can wipe us out. Should we stay silent even in that situation? Do we not remember Lord Krishna… shouldn’t we be ready to pick up arms for this. Have we forgotten our history…..Mahabharat. Is it wrong to fight against adharam?”
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