Alleging disrespect to the national anthem, activists of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) from Jammu University disrupted the first Inter-University Sports Championship between students from the Islamic University of Science and Technology and Jammu University on April 7. However, the students, as well as the JU Officials have denied the ABVP’s allegations. As per the reports, the ABVP activists raised slogans ‘Hindustan mein rehna hai to, Vande Mataram kehna hoga’ and held a protest on the ground.
Reportedly, after the photos of the students were circulated on the social media, citing that two students from Kashmir talked to each other while the national anthem was being played at an inaugural function on April 3, the ABVP activists forcibly entered the JU’s sports ground at about 11:10 AM on April 7 and disrupted the game.
Jammu:Protest against alleged disrespect to National Anthem in Jammu Univ by students from Kashmir during a sports tournament yesterday
— ANI (@ANI_news) April 8, 2017
According to the reports published in the ‘Indian Express’, the Director of Jammu University’s Directorate of Sports and Physical Education, Professor Avatar Singh Jasrotia, “When you behave like this even with those who have been paying respect to the national anthem here, what can you expect from those living in the Valley.”
Prof. Jasrotia also advised not to politicise the issue of the national anthem.
According to few students, at the demand of the ABVP activists, the national anthem was played even in the middle of the football match as well.
A student from Kashmir said, “while the national anthem was being played, we all stood up as a mark of respect, but the ABVP activists did not allow the match to be held even after that.”
Reportedly, the ABVP workers also disrupted the basketball final between NIIT Srinagar and Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board University as well.
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