What does a couple expect on their wedding day? Certainly, not being informed that they have been sacked from their jobs!
Yet, this is what exactly happened with a couple from Jammu and Kashmir in November. But it’s not only the timing that was bad, the reason for firing the couple was even more ridiculous..
The couple, who worked as teachers at the same school was sacked by the school management on November 30, saying their “romance could adversely affect the students”.
Yes. That’s right.
The couple, Tariq Bhat and Sumaya Bashir, worked in Muslim Educational Institute in south Kashmir’s Pulwama districts in the school’s Boys’ and Girls’ wings, respectively. After knowing each other for several years at the school, the two fell for each other and decided to get married.
But it did not go well with school management and they ensured that the couple get an unforgettable wedding gift from them!
While talking to a leading news agency PTI, the chairman of the school, Bashir Masoodi said both Tariq and Sumaya have been relieved from their services as they were involved in a ‘romantic relationship’ before getting married.
Masood further added that
They were having romance and it is not good for the 2,000 students of the school and 200 staff members working there. This can adversely affect the students.
Commenting on the matter, Tariq claimed that they had an arranged marriage. And by terminating their services, the school management is tarnishing their image.
Explaining further, Tariq said
Ours was an arranged marriage. We got engaged a few months ago and the entire school management knew about it as Sumaya hosted a party for the staff members soon after the engagement ceremony.
He further added
We have got married which is the right thing to do from which ever perspective one looks at it. We have not sinned or committed a crime.
Questioning school management’s move Tariq asked: “We both applied for leave to get married almost a month before the wedding day and the school management sanctioned the leave. If we were in a romantic relationship, did they come to know of it only after we announced our wedding plans?”
The principal of the school was unavailable for comment.
As of now, no one except the school authorities knows how a relationship between a man and woman can affect the education of students.
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