The daughter of BJP MLA Sanjivreddi Bodkurwar was attacked on Monday allegedly by her spurned lover with a sharp weapon in Wakad area in Pune. An MBA student, Ashwini Bodkurwar, was attacked barely a few meters away from the main gate of her college at Tathawade. The attacker chopped off the little finger on Ashwini’s left hand, whereas three other fingers suffered deep cuts.
The victim also has injuries on her palms and lips, according to a Times of India report. The cops have arrested the assailant who has been identified as 23-year-old Rajesh Bakshi. He has his roots in Haryana and is currently residing at Wakad area of Pune. He has been booked under sections 307 (attempt to murder) and 354(D) (stalking) of the Indian Penal Code.
Ashwini is a first-year MBA student of one of the institutions of Sri Balaji Society at Tathawade near Wakad. She knew the assailant for six months. Investigations have revealed that Bakshi was harassing her for the past few days, following which she had stopped talking to him.
She had even contacted the college authorities and had complained against Bakshi. The president of Sri Balaji Society had warned Bakshi and sought a written undertaking from him stating he would not contact Ashwini henceforth.
Ashwini and her roommate were on their way to an ATM when the incident happened. A student of the college, who was at the spot, said Ashwini tried to grab the weapon, but in vain. Bakshi attacked her with full force and the little finger of her left hand was chopped off.
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