In a rare incident, police officials in Uttar Pradesh found an 8-year old girl in the forests of Katarniaghat in Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh, who was living with the troop of monkeys. The girl who was found about 2 months ago, does not behave like normal human beings. She can not speak any language and her manners are similar to those of animals.
According to media reports, it was sub-inspector Suresh Yadav who was on a routine patrolling when he found the girl in the Motipur Range of Katarniaghat forest. When Yadav tried to save the girl, a troop of monkeys and girl screeched at him.
After various attempts, the officials were able to rescue the girl who was later taken to the hospital for treatment. The doctors who are treating her said that she gets violent frequently, however, she has now better and is showing signs of improvement.
The girl was found two months back,eats and walks like animals, and runs away on seeing humans: Chief Medical officer DK Singh #UttarPradesh
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) April 6, 2017
On the health condition of the girl, the Chief Medical Officer DK Singh said, “The girl was found two months back, eats and walks like animals, and runs away on seeing humans.”
The girl does not use her hands while eating she directly eat from her mouth and is being taught to walk on her legs but at times she walks with her hands and legs, just like the way animals do.
When the girl was brought to the hospital, she had several marks on her skin by which it looked that she has been staying with the animals for quite some time. Now, her condition has improved and she is better and healthy, added the CMO.
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