Days after Supreme Court ordered to undergo a medical test, Calcutta High Court Justice CS Karnan on Thursday refused to let the medical team do his check-up when they turned up at his residence. Justice Karnan claimed that he was mentally fit and needed no medical tests. “I am mentally in sound health,” he said at his New Town residence in Kolkata.
Hitting out at the Supreme Court judges, Justice Karnan said called the court order for his examination as a “mad order passed by mad judges”. A seven-judge Supreme Court bench headed by Chief Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar had on Monday said that a medical board should be set up to examine Karnan. They had said that the examination should be held on May 4 and its report must be submitted on May 8.
Justice Karnan also alleged that the Supreme Court order was an “insult” to a “Dalit judge”. “It’s my strong view that the Supreme Court order amounts to an insult and harassment to a Dalit judge (myself),” Karnan said in the letter.
Also Read: SC orders medical test of Kolkata HC judge Karnan to examine his mental condition
When the team of four doctors from a government hospital reached Justice Karnan, he told them that a person’s mental examination cannot be done without the consent of his guardian, adding that his wife and sons were not present in Kolkata. Justice Karnan also claimed that doctors from the Calcutta Pavlov Hospital could not examine him as it was legally wrong.
Justice Karnan is facing contempt charges for degrading the judiciary and making allegations of corruption against several Supreme Court judges.
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