After suspended BRD Medical College paediatrician Dr Kafeel Khan’s brother was shot in Gorakhpur last week, a BJP MP is now being accused of orchestrating the attack. At a press conference on Sunday in Lucknow, Khan blamed Kamlesh Paswan, BJP MP from Bansgaon, for having a role behind the attack. He said that Paswan, along with Satish Nangalia (owner of Baldev plaza) hired shooters to attack his brother.
“Paswan has no personal enmity with my brother. My uncle has a piece of land which Kamlesh and Satish encroached upon in February. FIR was lodged and they had sought stay order by the High Court on arrests,” he said, reports ANI.
BJP MP Kamlesh Paswan&Satish Nangalia, owner of Baldev plaza, hired shooters for this. Paswan has no personal enmity with my brother. My uncle has piece of land which Kamlesh&Satish encroached upon in Feb. FIR was lodged&they had sought stay order by HC on arrests: Dr Kafeel Khan
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) June 17, 2018
He also demanded that the case shouldn’t be investigated by the Uttar Pradesh police and should either be given to CBI or a High Court judge.
Incidentally, Paswan, along with 27 others were booked under various charges, including rioting and criminal conspiracy, following a fracas over a land dispute in Gorakhpur. However, he had then said that he was being framed in the case, reports PTI.
On June 10, unknown bike-borne assailants had shot Kashif Jameel, the younger brother of Dr Kafeel Khan, who was suspended after the Gorakhpur hospital tragedy in Uttar Pradesh last year. Jameel was on his way back home late on Sunday night when he was shot at. The 35-year-old property dealer, who received injuries in his arm, shoulder, and neck, was rushed to the hospital. Jameel is now out of danger.
Police had suspected that the attack on Jameel was because of a property dispute as there were two criminal cases registered against him. However, Khan had said that his brother was targetted because of him. He had also accused that his brother’s treatment got delayed because police took a long time in filing a medico-legal case.
Allah rahem kare.
M not going to bend— realdrkafeelkhan (@drkafeelkhan) June 10, 2018
Dr Kafeel Khan was accused after more than 60 children died due to lack of oxygen supply in Gorakhpur’s BRD hospital in August last year. However, he was released on bail in April this year and is one of the nine accused in the case.
Khan was the nodal officer of the 100-bed AES ward at the Baba Raghav Das Medical College and was removed following the deaths of 30 children on August 10 and August 11.
Khan spent nearly eight months in prison until he was released on bail in April.
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