Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah will soon be donning another hat as he is all set to make his acting debut in a bilingual film ‘Summer Holidays’. The movie is being directed by a critically acclaimed filmmaker Kavitha Lankesh. CM will play himself in the movie the shooting of which is almost complete. Considering his busy schedule, the date on which CM will shoot his part is yet to be finalised.
“There is a scene in the film where the CM’s character is portrayed. Instead of going for an actor, I hit upon the idea to cast the real chief minister. He agreed. We cannot decide the time and date of shooting. He has a busy schedule every day. We will shoot the scene when he gives us the time,” said the director of the movie Kavitha Lankesh who is the daughter of noted Kannada writer and filmmaker P Lankesh.
According to the director, CM has put some conditions for appearing in the movie such as the film should not have any violence or obscene scenes. After he was briefed about the storyline, CM gave his nod to act in the movie.
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Apart from Kannada, the movie is being made in English. Summer Holidays is a children’s film which will also mark the debut of the Kavitha’s Lankesh’s daughter Esha and nephew Samarjit. More than half of the film has been shot in Chikkamagaluru’s Koppa area and Bengaluru.
Some politicians in the past like Ramesh Kumar, Katta Subramanya Naidu, BT Laliltha Naik have also tried their hands in acting, however, they could not achieve much success. Former CM HD Kumaraswamy before entering politics was also a film producer who recently made a comeback to film production by launching his son Nikhil.
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