Bibi Sara, a resident of Karnataka’s Mandya, applied for an educational loan but the bank rejected to grant the same. Sara wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi asking for help and then what the PM’s office did was totally remarkable. Within 10 days, PM Modi’s letter responding to Sara’s request arrived and she was granted a loan of Rs 1.5 lakh for her studies the same day.
Sara wanted to pursue MBA but faced difficulty in paying the fee as her father had not received his salary for eight months. Citing the urgent requirement of money, she initially applied for an educational loan to Central Bank of India. But the bank produced a mandate and rejected the application. At that very moment, Sara decided to write a letter to PM Modi and quoting the campaign ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao‘ and asked him whether he would be helping a daughter of the nation who is willing to study.
Soon, the PMO responded to her request and sent a letter which let Sara get the loan from Vijaya Bank for her studies. According to the media reports, senior manager of Vijaya Bank, Kshema Kumar said,”Sara’s father came to us with the letter from PMO. We checked their background and after checking their eligibility, we sanctioned the loan.”
After getting the reply, Sara herself is surprised and thankful to the Prime Minister. She said,”I was confident that PM will respond to my request but didn’t expect it to be so fast. I got a reply in just 10 days.”
I was confident that PM will respond but did not expect it to be so fast,I got a reply in just 10 days: Sara,girl who wrote to PM #Karnataka
— ANI (@ANI_news) March 23, 2017
On the other hand, the PMO has directed Karnataka’s chief secretary to look into the matter why Central Bank denied sanctioning the loan. While the Branch Manager of Central Bank said,”This is the season of recovering all kind of loans thus we are instructed not to sanction any more loans. Hence, we couldn’t help her.”
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