Amid crackdown of slaughterhouses by the new Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath, Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) pick for Malappuram bypolls in Kerala, N Sreeprakash have affirmed that if he wins the elections, he will ensure enough supply of good beef in the Malappuram constituency.
While addressing the media at a ‘Meet the Press’ function, N Sreeprakash said, “If elected, there will be efforts from my side to ensure good-quality beef at clean abattoirs.” He further asserted that cow slaughter was only illegal in places where beef is banned adding that in the past, Congress had forcefully put a ban on cow slaughter when it was the ruling party in several states.
This comes a day after Chattisgarh Chief Minister, Raman Singh affirmed that he will kill people who would slaughter cows. Meanwhile, BJP’s meat ban have created a stir with a number of political including AIMIM leader Asaduddin Owaisi lashing out at the party for being “hypocrite”. “BJP’s hypocrisy is that in Uttar Pradesh Cow is mummy but in the Northeast its yummy,” Owaisi told ANI.
The Gujarat Assembly on Friday amended the cow protection law announcing a life term on those found guilty of slaughtering cows. The state assembly passed the amendment to the Gujarat Animal Preservation Act of 1954 providing for a maximum punishment of up to life imprisonments and a fine of up to Rs five lakh. With this new law, Gujarat has become the first state in the country to make have made cow slaughter punishable.
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