The St. Alphonsa Public School in Kerala, has drawn ire from social media users for allegedly making its female students don a uniform some are calling “inappropriate” and “vulgar” in design. The photo of girls wearing that dress went viral on social media, after a photographer named Zachariah Ponkunnam uploaded it on Facebook.
In the photo, three girls, with their faces blurred can be seen wearing the uniform that has caused a stir. The collared blue-and-pink checkered dress, includes a ribbon around the waist and a stitched-on vest on the bodice.
According to a report in The News Minute, Zachariah alleged that the uniform was designed obscenely. The image and comment immediately gained the attention of social media users, with more than 5,000 people sharing it.
Memes were also generated, with some users agreeing with Zachariah’s evaluation and others responding to the naysayers by telling them to stop objectifying the bodies of minors. Some called for action against the school and demanded that the photographer remove the posting.
I’m wondering what thought went into that design.Superman wears underwear on pants so these are bras on top if someone skips them?
— Itna Sara ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@ChulbuliImli) June 5, 2017
Without a doubt. If an authentic representation of the uniform it looks like some provocative filmi outfit. Aghast!!!
— Piccaxo (@Massapiece) June 5, 2017
Following the controversy, school authorities have responded to the comments by filing a police complaint, claiming that the photograph had been doctored.
The school’s principal said that their design is different from the one seen on the said photograph. Parents-Teacher Association president Sabu Cyriac also insisted there was nothing wrong with the uniform.
Dunno about vulgar but its like here are my boobs highlighted in blue in case nobody has noticed _ Also aesthetically yuck
— Itna Sara _\_(_)_/_ (@ChulbuliImli) June 5, 2017
He also added that if parents find it vulgar, thry’ll introduce an overcoat, but then it will be huge financial burden for parents if the uniform is changed again.
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