A student from Arunachal Pradesh was allegedly attacked and forced to lick his house owner’s shoes for using excessive water in Bengaluru. Higio Guntey, who hails from Arunachal Pradesh and is a fourth-semester student of Christ University, was brutally thrashed by landlord Hemanth Kumar on March 6, who was allegedly in an inebriated state. A case was registered against Kumar on March 9 following Guntey’s complaint.
The victim’s father stated that he has trust on the police and added the culprit would be brought to task.
“What happened to him was inhuman, I have trust in the police and I hope the culprit won’t be spared. He is a very soft spoken person and complaints about him are so not obvious. The landlord also abused us badly and we are going to take legal action on him. I have sent my son to study here, not to get beaten by people,” he said.
Union minister Kiren Rijiju on Monday described the attack as “saddening” and said the Home Ministry is also pursuing the matter besides the police investigation. “When we are talking of safety of Indians abroad such incidents in our country are very saddening,” Mr. Rijiju said.
The Union Minister of State for Home said police are investigating the case and his office is also pursuing it for action against those guilty in the incident.
Mr. Rijiju also hails from Arunachal Pradesh.
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