Rashtriya Janata Dal supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav on Wednesday took potshots at the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) over its change of uniform, saying it was his wife Rabri Devi who forced the Sangh to do so.
Known for his remarks laced with satire and humour, Yadav tweeted saying the organisation will be soon be forced to change its mindset after adopting trousers by doing away with the traditional khaki shorts.
Right now we have forced them to don trousers from shorts. Similarly, we will get their mind also become full…not only trouser but their thinking also needs a transformation…we will force them to shun weapon and would not allow them to spread venom,” he tweeted.
“We forced the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) members to wear trousers. Rabri Devi had pointed out their (RSS men’s) lack of decency. Elderly cadres shamelessly roamed around freely in half-pants,” ANI quoted him saying.
During an RJD event held in January in Patna, former Chief Minister Rabri Devi had attacked the RSS for its volunteers donning khaki shorts and said “elderly cadres roam freely wearing shorts without feeling shame”.
The RSS switched to brown trousers on Vijayadashami, also being the organisation’s 91st foundation day.
The decision to change the uniform was taken during the RSS’s Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha held in Rajasthan’s Nagaur in March this year.
More than eight lakh trousers have been distributed, including six lakh stitched trousers. Also, cloth for another two lakh trousers have been distributed to the RSS offices in different parts of the country, the Sangh’s head of communication department Manmohan Vaidya told PTI.
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