Any guesses what are these, ‘O kakhono amar katha sune chole na, o sudhu nijer kothai chale (she does not listen to what I say, she follows her own whims) and ‘Tu shayar hain main teri shayeri…’? Lyrics of famous Bengali and Hindi song, right? But here comes the catch, these famous lyrics were not written in a love letter but in the answer sheets during the exam.
From pain to anger to heartbreak, students of the Balurghat Law College expressed every emotion in these answer sheets. So, audacious were these students that they even handed over the sheets to the teacher. And this is when things went wrong.
As soon as the matter came to light, college authorities suspended 10 law students, all of them studying in the fourth semester in the college which is located in north Bengal district of Malda. The students who have been suspended are Indranil Banerjee, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Mritunjoy Barman, Mrinmoy Das, Sudip Mondal, Niloy Chakraborty, Sudip Karmakar, Sabina Khatun, Mousumi Kisku and Uma Dey.
In a report published in Hindustan Times, the vice-chancellor defended the decision taken by the college and said: “It is clear from the answer sheets that the students didn’t have the foggiest idea of the answers. They wrote nonsense and even abusive language to kill time in the hall. They should have a clear idea what is legal and what is illegal. Vandalising an institution is also illegal.”
Due to college’s harsh announcement, these suspended students will not be eligible to take any regular course in any universities for next two years.
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