Haryana BJP Chief Subhash Barala’s son identified as Vikas Baras was reportedly arrested for allegedly stalking IAS officer’s daughter. The police have also arrested Vikas’ friend Ashish Kumar who was reportedly present with him when the incident took place.
The 29-year-old woman, a disc jockey by profession shared her horrific incident on Facebook saying that the two men followed her in their white Tata Safari SUV and tried to stop her. However, the woman managed to escape. Further elaborating on the horror she faced, the woman said that is quite possible that the two of the men may get away considering that they belong to influential families.
“My hands shaking, my back spasming from fear, half in tears, half bewildered, because I didn’t know if I’d make it home tonight. Who knew when, or if, the cops would show up,” she said in a Facebook post. The two men, however, were released on bail later.
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“I’m lucky, it seems, to not be the daughter of a common man, because what chance would they have against such VIPs? I’m also lucky because I’m not lying raped and murdered in a ditch somewhere,” she said.
The police officials claimed that the two men had bought two can of beer and were drunk when they were allegedly chasing the woman. The woman called the police while attempting to get away from them. The police rushed to the spot and arrested the accused. Haryana BJP Chief’s son and his friend were booked under section 354 D (stalking) of IPC and 185 of the Motor Vehicle Act (driving by a drunken person or by a person under the influence of drugs).
The woman’s father an IAS officer stated that the goons should be punished and the crime should not go unpunished. “I will be failing in my duty as a father to my daughter if I did not stand with her completely in this matter… As a father of two daughters, I feel compelled to take this matter to its logical conclusion. The goons must be punished, and the law must take its course. As would be expected, the goons are from influential families. We all know most such cases of harassment go unpunished and even unreported. We know it’s not going to be an easy struggle,” the IAS officer said in a post on Facebook.
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