In a shocking incident, a 32-year-old railway employee from Ludhiana got hospitalised after having two sips from a bottle of Coca Cola. The man, identified as Lekh Raj, took two sips from a sealed bottled and felt something unfamiliar in the liquid. After checking the bottle, he saw a dead lizard inside the bottle.
According to an IndiaTimes report, the incident happened when a technician in Ludhiana railways, in the technical deaprtment ordered a bottle of Coca Cola at the canteen around 10:15 in the morning.
After drinking, he felt something unfamiliar and weird in the drink. He was shocked to discover a dead lizard floating inside it.
His colleague said that Raj got scared and thought that he might have got poisoned because of the lizard inside the bottle. His colleagues informed Rakesh Saini, divisional mechanical engineer (diesel), Ludhiana who immediately referred him to a nearby railway hospital.
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Raj was taken to the hospital and was given first aid by Dr Madhuri Kalundia but later referred him to a city hospital. Satendra Kumar, Senior section engineer (general) informed that they had removed all Coca Cola bottles from the canteen, and filed a complaint with the cold drink company.
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