In yet another alleged incident of cow vigilantism, a man was brutally thrashed in Nagpur city of Maharashtra for allegedly carrying beef. The incident reportedly took place in the Bharsingi area of Nagpur. As per reports, the Nagpur police has also registered a complained and detained the suspects for further interrogation.
In a video released by news agency ANI, you can see the men beating and dragging the man who has not been identified as yet. The men continued to kick and punch him while others continued to stand there and watch.
The incident comes just days after a 16-year-old Junaid Khan was brutally beaten up by a group of people on a Mathura-bound train on suspicion if carrying beef in his bags. Junaid was travelling in a train along with his brother and cousins after shopping in Delhi ahead of Eid. The mob accused them of carrying beef in their bags and stabbed him to death after alleging hurling religious abuses at them.
The incident sparked widespread outrage and protests across the country. Four persons including Delhi government employee was arrested in connection with the lynching case. Thousands of people across the national capital took to the streets amid increasing case of mod lynchings. The campaign was called “Not in my Name”.
#WATCH: Man beaten up for allegedly carrying beef in Nagpur’s Bharsingi, no arrests have been made yet. #Maharashtra (July 12th)
— ANI (@ANI_news) July 13, 2017
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also took to Twitter to condemn the recent attacks on Muslims and Dalits and asserted that it was not right to take the law in your own hands. “Killing people in the name of Gau Bhakti is not acceptable. This is not something Mahatma Gandhi would approve. No person in this nation has the right to take the law in his or her own hands in this country,” Prime Minister said in a Tweet.
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