Challenging the Election Commission (EC) of India ahead of the Municipality Corporation of Delhi (MCD) elections, Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, has asked several questions after an incident which took place in Madhya Pradesh’s Bhind district. During a demonstration of an Electronic Voting Machines in this region, it was seen that every vote cast during the demo session went to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Further, it was also learned that the machine on which the trial was conducted was brought from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. After this incident, Kejriwal also targeted the victory of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh and also accused the EC of violating the laws.
Kejriwal said,”Despite a lot of EVMs present India, the machines are coming from Uttar Pradesh only. Why? Till now, 300 EVMs were brought for MP by polls from UP’s Govind Nagar. Technically, EVMs cannot be reused or shifted 45 days from the polls, then why did EC take this step?”
Kejriwal also asserted that during UP assembly elections, such tampered EVMs might have been used which resulted in a massive victory of the BJP in the state.
Meanwhile, the EC has launched a probe into this matter and have suspended three SHOs related to this case.
Further, Kejriwal demanded that whatever fault was discovered in Bhind while demonstrating the EVM must be made public. He also challenged the EC and stated that he and his party will find out and reveal what actually had happened and where is the fault. However, Kejriwal has also demanded to conduct the forthcoming Municipality Corporation of Delhi elections through ballot papers.
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