In the abduction and molestation case of Malayalam actress Bhavana accused Sunil Kumar and Vijesh have been sent to police custody till March 5. However, two of the accused are still on run. The police have launched a massive manhunt post the widespread outrage over the incident and are making efforts to nab the accused.
The prime suspect, in this case, is a goon Sunil Kumar aka Pulsar Suni who fled the scene after the incident.
After being informed about the incident, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan spoke to the victim and affirmed that the government will provide all the necessary support and will also ensure that the culprits received a strict punishment. The accused has cried foul and claimed that they were being “falsely implicated” and had no intentions of abducting the actress and raping her. The police has also arrested the driver of the actress for “criminal conspiracy”.
In the wake of Malayalam actress Bhavana’s abduction and molestation case, the Kerala industry has come out in the support of the actress. The film fraternity has decided to seek justice for the actress and saluted her courage to come out in the open and talk about it.
The incident took place on February 17 when popular actress Bhavana was allegedly abducted and then molested in a moving car. The actress was returning to her home post her shoot when a group of unidentified men stepped into her car and allegedly abducted her. Within hours of the incident, actors like Mammootty, Dulquer Salmaan, and others voiced their opinion on the incident with some of them even lauding the actress for her courage to speak up on the incident.
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