Months after Narendra Modi government put and end to red beacon cars, the West Bengal government led by Mamata Banerjee are coming up with fresh ideas to deal with the red beacon ban. In a new notification released by the West Bengal government, the government has reportedly suggested that the officials will now be using flags instead of beacons according to their ranks.
According to a report in Times of India, under the new “flag scheme”, three kinds of flags will be introduced- rectangular, swallow-tailed and triangular. The report stated that the officials will be allowed to use the flags only when they are on an official duty. The new scheme is applicable for the officials belonging to the Indian Administrative Service who hold different ranks in government. The flag will be placed on the bonnet of the vehicle.
Read More: Narendra Modi government puts an end to red beacon cars for VVIPs from May
“In view of the significant rise in the level of interaction with various international and national level authorities, it is felt that a flag for use on vehicles being used by senior officials of the state government shall convey a greater sense of government’s intent and enable smoother interactions without compromising protocol,” the daily quoted excerpts from the notification as saying.
In a bid to end the VIP culture in the country, the central government announced on April 19 that they had decided to do away with red beacons used by VVIPs on official cars. The ban was implemented from May 1. After banning Lal Batti cars for VVIPs, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted that every Indian was special and every Indian is a VIP adding that new India was not about VIP, it’s abo EPI- Every person is important.
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