In what was a tight slap on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s face, the army on Friday furnished all the documents against her claims of a “military coup” orchestrated by the Central government. The documents show that the Army informed the West Bengal police and the state government before carrying out the routine exercises.
On Friday, Didi made a huge hue and cry about how the central government had deployed army in West Bengal and even went on to compare it with a “military coup” sort of a situation just because she was opposing demonetisation. She rubbished army’s claims and said that the army was “misleading” the facts. She probably didn’t expect the army to take offense and slam her publicly.
The released army letters show that they had clearly informed the police that would be carrying out a routine exercise “to gather statistical data about load carriers that could be made available to the army in case of a contingency.”
The army has also rubbished Mamata Banerjee’s claims that army collected money from commuters at the toll counters at Dankuni toll plaza in Hooghly district and Pallsit toll plaza in Burdwan district.
“The exercise is carried out for our operational purposes, which will terminate to its logical end tonight. They are only collecting data of heavy vehicles, which is an annual exercise being carried out every year. Similar exercises are also being carried out in Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar from September 26 to October1 this year,” Maj. Gen. Yadav has said.
It was hysterical how Mamata Banerjee stayed overnight at the secretariat and refused to leave the office till the army moved. Did we tell you the reason? She was “guarding democracy”.
This is the same Chief Minister who did not bat an eyelid and got a Chemistry professor arrested for poking fun at her, few years ago.
Read more: Here’s an example of how Mamata Banerjee’s men treat women
Needless to mention the other cases of hooliganism in the name of bringing “poriborton” that her party is known for. The congress party who is backing Mamata Banerjee on the army deployment issue had once called her a “threat to democracy”. Yes, Sonia Gandhi herself had called Mamata didi a “threat to democracy.”
This “military coup” drama unfolded just a day after her party worker claimed a threat to her life. She had claimed that Indigo flight with her on board was low on fuel and was hovering over Kolkata airport risking passengers life. She again believed it was a conspiracy because she was opposing demonetisation.
Guessing what the Indigo airlines said? They contradicted her statements saying the plane was delayed due to congestion before making a normal landing and was not short on fuel as claimed by the West Bengal Chief Minister. Why lie, maam?
Read More:5 times Mamata Banerjee showed how outlandish she can get while protesting
Speaking about her stance on demonetisation, unless you live under a big rock or in some distant universe you would know that Mamata Banerjee trained her guns against Prime Minister Narendra Modi the minute he announced the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes.
BJP leaders say that she is worried about loosing out money earned from several scams including the Sharada scam. “Mamata Banerjee is rattled after losing the ill-gotten money made by TMC under various corrupt means like Saradha scam, border smuggling, and syndicate. She has realised that it cannot be recovered and she continues to rant against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s historical decision,” a BJP leader had said. Some even say that she is concerned that her party funds would dry out post demonetisation. In fact, people don’t even know the main source of her party’s funding.
Either ways, whether all the ongoing drama spree is just a political frustration or a deliberate attempt to move away from the real issues is something that only the West Bengal Chief Minister can tell.
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