In an act of revenge, a man chopped off the hands of his daughter’s rapist after he was acquitted by the court. The incident occurred in Kotli Ablu village of Punjab’s Muktsar district wherein the baby’s mother caught the man allegedly raping the seven-year-old minor. The 17-year-old youth was produced before the court wherein the girl’s father, identified as Parminder Singh, is said to have hinted that he was ready to forgive the accused and accept compensation.
After acquittal, Singh is said to have offered to drop the accused home, who also stays in the same village. However, midway during the trip, the father stopped the bike and attacked the teenager, first tying him to a tree and then chopping off his hands through a machete. He then left the spot, leaving the youth crying for help. The locals found the boy and called for police and took him to the hospital wherein he is said to be critical.
On the other hand, Singh is absconding and police have begun a hunt for him.
The cases of people delivering vengeful justice is not new. Two years ago, an incident came to the fore in Delhi in which a man had killed his tenant by burning his genitals, alleging that the deceased had raped his 13-year-old daughter. Later, he surrendered before the police and said that the tenant deserved such kind of torture.
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