A 31-year-old man’s ambitions of marrying two women at the same time came down crashing after his wedding invitation card went viral on social media. Ramamoorthy is a goatherd by profession and stays with his sister Kalaiselvi at M Vallaiapuram of Thiruchuzi in Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu. His sister decided to marry off her daughter Renukadevi to her brother. However, the aspiring groom had other plans and he expressed his willingness to marry Gayathri, the 20-year-old daughter of another sister, as well. The family agreed on the unions and invitation cards were circulated among the villagers.
The wedding was scheduled to be held in Ramamoorthy’s home in Vellaiapuram. The invitation card spread like wildfire and was circulated among various WhatsApp groups. A visibly miffed villager told TOI,”There are people who despite having good jobs are unable to find a single bride. And this man is marrying two girls.” According to reports, the district social welfare officer P Rajam immediately summoned the parents of both the women.
The officer was in a rude shock when the parents defended their decision of getting their daughters to the same man. They also said that the decision was taken after consulting an astrologer who predicted that Ramamoorthy would have two wives.
Also read: In order to please rain gods, two men ‘marry’ each other in Indore
But it was the second bride, Gayathri, who refused to marry, saying that the decision would amount to bigamy and end up sending Ramamoorthy to jail. Later on, it was decided that only Renukadevi would be married to Ramamoorthy. However, just to be on the safe side, the district officials will be present at the wedding which will take place on September 4.
Recently, there were reports 0f two men marrying each other in Indore in a bid to please rain gods. Although the wedding only had symbolic relevance, the rituals were performed properly.
Also read: Internet gives us 4 examples of Indian parents going too far in trying to arrange marriages
Source: TOI
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