A case has been registered against the e-commerce giant Flipkart for allegedly delivering a bar of soap and a detergent packet instead of a mobile phone! According to a report in Hindustan Times, Vaibhav Vasant Kamble placed an order for two new phones with online shopping portal Flipkart and the phones were delivered on time, however, he received the shock of his life after opening the package as the box didn’t contain a phone but had a bar of soap and a packet of washing powder instead.
According to the report, police said that Kamble had placed an order for two phones from his office on May 3 and they were to be delivered on May 6 and 8. However, a delivery boy from Ekart, a logistics company, reached his office with both the mobile phones on May 6, following which Kamble told the delivery boy that he wanted only one phone for now and if he liked the phone, he would take the other on a later date,” said a police officer .
After paying Rs 14,900, Kamble took the package inside his office and when he opened it, he found a bar of soap and a packet of washing powder. He tried to find the delivery guy, but it was too late for him to catch him.
Kamble then called up Flipkart and even wrote mails to their representatives. Initially, the company said it would help Kamble, but later they ignored his calls. Later, Kamble registered a complaint against both Flipkart and EKart.
Flipkart is reportedly yet to officially react to the issue. In January, two people working for companies that delivered products sold on Amazon.com were arrested for allegedly stealing gold coins worth at least Rs 13 lakh ordered by customers.
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