In a shocking incident, a man from Bengaluru allegedly attacked a school teacher in front of the students. He poured kerosene on the 50-year-old teacher and set her ablaze. The incident took place at a government school in Shambaiahnapalya Magadi taluk, which is around 55 km from Bengaluru.
The alleged attacker has been identified as Renukaradhya and the police have launched a hunt for him. According to the police, victim and the attacker were former business partners. KG Sunanda, the victim, has been shifted to a private hospital with 50% burns where she is under observation as her burns were quite severe.
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One of the students who were present when the incident took place said that the teacher was teaching Social Science to the students of class 5th. He said, “Around 2 pm, a man entered the classroom and shouted at the teacher, and they argued for a while. The teacher asked him to leave the room. He opened a bottle and poured liquid on her. He struck a match and set her on fire. We were helpless and screamed”.
After setting her blaze, the accused ran out of the class whereas the stunned students ran out of the class to take help from the other teachers. When the school staff heard the cries they rushed to the classroom and doused the fire. Sunanda was immediately taken to the hospital. As her injuries are serious, she has kept under round-the-clock observation. As the police got the information, they too reached the spot.
(Source: Times of India)
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