After looting five branches across India in past six months, a gang of robbers yet again targeted the Manappuram Finance’s Gurugram branch and robbed 32kg (approx) of Gold on February 10. According to the reports, the robbed gold is worth about Rs 9 crore. The looters forced the office officials at the gunpoint and ran away after clearing off the entire lot.
It was in the afternoon, on February 9, when a gang of 8 looters, entered in the New Railway Road branch of Manappuram Finance in Old Gurgaon. Initially, at 12:05 pm, a man entered the branch and showed his Aadhaar card as identity proof. Meanwhile, another man who came with him tried pushing his way in. The guard present there tried to stop him but the man hit the guard on the head with a sharp weapon. Following this, six other gang members rushed in.
After breaking in, one of the robbers broke the rifle of the second guard and thrashed him while the others smeared the CCTV with Holi colours within the office. Then they pulled out their guns and ordered the staff and customers to keep quiet and stand against the wall of the strong room.
Despite the office being situated at the first floor, the robbers dared to break in the daylight and took away 32kg Gold and cash of worth Rs 7.8 lakh.
Manappuram Gold loan finance is a non-banking finance company whose headquarters are situated at Valappad in Thrissur, Kerala. It has about 3,200 branches across 25 states. Recently, on January 5, a branch situated in Chattisgarh was robbed. In 2016, branches situated at Kolkata, Thane, Nagpur and Jalandhar has also been hit by the robbers.
Till date, a total of 150kg gold worth over Rs 40 crore has been robbed in the six strikes since August 2016.
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