Markandey Katju, the ferocious ex-Supreme Court and the former Chairman, Press Council of India lashed out at Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in a Facebook post. Katju posted on Facebook saying, “Kejriwal is a cunning ambitious fraud with nothing in his head, and no different from that fraud Modi. Many people are still under illusions about him, but the time will come when their eyes will be opened to the truth.”
This is not the first time when Katju has attacked the Delhi chief minister. In another post, Katju attacked Kejriwal said, “In his book ‘Swaraj’ Kejriwal wrote that to solve the country’s problems we should hand over power to village panchayats and mohalla panchayats. Anyone who knows the reality of village panchayats knows that they are hotbeds of casteism and corruption, and the village pradhans have captured most of the gram sabha lands. So Kejriwal’s idea is stupid and reactionary. In fact Kejriwal is only a cunning demagogue and dramabaz, like Modi and Congress, with no idea about how to solve the country’s massive problems of poverty, unemployment, malnourishment, etc. The solutions to these problems lie outside the system, not within it, i.e. by a revolution, but Kejriwal is within the system.”
Earlier, Katju took a dig on Kejriwal saying that he is ‘Don Quixote—a character in a novel who was inspired by lofty and chivalrous but impractical ideals—surrounded by chamchas’.
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