104 differently abled couples were married off in a mass wedding event in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh which has found a place in the Golden Book of World Records. The mass marriage event was held on March 8. A public relations department officer said, “this was for the first time in the world when 104 physically-challenged couples tied the knot at one place. This record got entry into the Golden Book of World Records.”
Officials of the Golden Book of World Records presented a certificate to the Union Minister for the Social Justice and Empowerment Thawar Chand Gehlot and District Collector Sanket Bhondve.
Leaders of different religions solemnised the marriages of 77 Hindu, 26 Muslim and one Sikh couple.
The programme had been organised by the district administration with the help of social organisations. The official said during the event, one more record was set.
“Another record was set during this mass marriage ceremony. A large gift pack was prepared with the public participation. This also got entry into Golden Book of World Records for being the largest gift pack,” the official added.
Earlier in December 2016, Mahesh Savani, a diamond tycoon from Gujarat hosted a mass wedding for 236 fatherless brides including five Muslims and one Christian and gave each of them gifts worth thousands of dollars.
The 48-year-old diamond tycoon has organised mass weddings since 2012 and believes giving away brides is a blessing from God.
In 2015, Savani hosted mass marriage for 151 fatherless brides and in 2014 he organised a further 111 weddings.
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