A 29-year-old MBA professional allegedly extorted Rs. 6 lakh from a 50-year-old woman, whom he had befriended on Facebook, by threatening to upload her morphed pictures online, police said today. The woman’s husband filed a complaint in New Delhi on March 17 alleging that his wife was being blackmailed by a man for the last six months, they said.
The accused allegedly befriended the woman on Facebook and they started chatting online. Later, they exchanged phone numbers and from the last six months, he started demanding money from her, threatening to circulate her morphed pictures online, police said.
She gave him Rs. 6 lakh but his greed grew and he demanded Rs. 50 lakh. Fed up with him, she informed her husband who filed a police complaint, they said.
Police mounted technical surveillance on the accused and he was traced to Rajasthan. He was arrested on Friday from Jaipur. He has pursued his MBA from a college in the city and is currently involved in marble business.
His mobile phone has been seized and the police has found objectionable photos of other women on his cellphone. It is being probed whether he has blackmailed other women using similar modus operandi, they added.
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