An eight-year-old boy from Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh has hogged limelight for his staggering height. With a height of 6ft 6in, Karan Singh is the tallest 8-year-old kid on the planet. Karan has made it to Guinness Book of Records just after he was born in 2008. He was registered as both the heaviest and tallest baby at birth. “When Karan was born, he weighed 7.8 kg and was over 63 cm in length. So that got him into the record books instantly,” his father Sanjay Singh was quoted as saying by
In 2013, as a five year old he once gain entered his name into the record book, as he was 5.7 ft tall at that time. “Then when he was five-years-old, he got the record for being the tallest toddler. He is eight now and I want to get him into the Guinness Records again,” he added.
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Karan is still shorter than her 33 year old mother Shweatlana Singh who was named India’s tallest woman in 2007–at an incredible 7ft 2in. While Sanjay Singh at 6ft 7 inch is thealmost same height as his son Karan.Shweatlana is also a basketball player who has represented India in national and international sports events.
Karan’s parents also take him to endocrinologist for regular check-ups to ensure his growth has no adverse effects on his health.
“We take Karan to an endocrinologist regularly. For both Shweatlana and Karan it might be an excess of growth hormone.” Karan wants to grow up to be a basketball player.
Despite his fame due to his height, Karan lead a normal life like other kids. “After finishing my homework, I play with my friends and then I go [to] play basketball with my mother.She started teaching me since I was five-years-old and I want to play basketball like my mother. But I also like science a lot, ” Mirror quoted him as saying.
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