Gita, a fifty-year-old woman from Bihar, just last month sent a special gift to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. When she sent the gift, she might have not even imagined that it would get a reply from the Prime Minister himself. What was the gift you ask that compelled Narendra Modi to reply? It was a basket made by her from plastic waste.
Gita, a housewife, uses plastic waste like wrappers and polythene to make vases, baskets and similar items. Her craft is just a hobby for her. She had never even thought of selling her work.
Watching her use her craft, her stepson Manoj Kumar Jha had parcelled one of the baskets made by her to Narendra Modi. No one in the family had expected a reply but the PM acknowledged the gift on Tuesday when he praised Gita’s efforts in a letter to her.
“The idea of using plastic litter to create beautiful products is amazing. This is not only useful for the ‘Swachh Bharat’ campaign but also has vast potential for small scale industry,” Modi wrote to her.
Elated by the reply, Gita and her family are pumped up to use her craft not just as a hobby but to earn out of it too. “I am very happy that Modi ji has replied to me,” an ecstatic Gita said.
Short of funds to turn it into a means of livelihood, her husband Ramchandra Jha, a farmer with a small landholding, is looking for a loan for the same. “Now that we have got encouragement from none other than the prime minister, we feel it can be done. But we lack money to do any business. Maybe if we get a loan, we can do this,” her husband said.
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