Popular comedian Lilly Singh aka Superwoman has asked for help from a real-life Superwoman, the External Affair Minister, Sushma Swaraj on Twitter like any other Indian in distress. After facing difficulties in getting her India visa, Lilly Singh took to microblogging site Twitter to lash out against the Indian consulate in Toronto, Canada.
Lilly is currently promoting her self-help book ‘How to be a Bawse’ and the Mumbai stop is part of her promotional tour later this month.
She tweeted to the Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister Narendra Modi informing them of her experience at the consulate calling it a ‘disappointment’ and the staff ‘unprofessional’.
Love india but gotta say that the consulate of india in Toronto is literally the worst place on earth. Such a disappointment.
— Lilly | #BawseBook (@IISuperwomanII) April 6, 2017
Soon after taking notice of Lilly’s tweets External Affairs Minister came to her rescue and asked her to contact the Indian High Commissioner in Canada, Vikas Swarup. Later, Swarup followed up on the matter.
For travel to India, the consulate makes acquiring a visa the most difficult task. I hope one day @narendramodi can remedy this. It’s sad.
— Lilly | #BawseBook (@IISuperwomanII) April 6, 2017
.@SushmaSwaraj just a kind note to make you aware that the Consulate of India in Toronto is extremely difficult and unprofessional.
— Lilly | #BawseBook (@IISuperwomanII) April 6, 2017
However, the consulate in Toronto tweeted to Lilly Singh stating a business visa was issued to her in an hour. She replied saying she was promised a one-year visa by the staff but was given only a 3-month one.
I will send an email. As an FYI, I was told I would get a one year visa. That was of course when staff wanted a picture though. https://t.co/Y2TlhjkurC
— Lilly | #BawseBook (@IISuperwomanII) April 6, 2017
A fan also tweeted a video of ‘Superwoman’ talking about her time at the Indian consulate. In the video, she described the staff at the consulate as ‘rude and unprofessional’. The video also shows how she was yelled at for even asking a question.
@SushmaSwaraj This is Lilly Singh aka @IISuperwomanII, this was her experience at the Indian Consulate, please take some action towards this pic.twitter.com/1UGmEh3Ehq
— Suri | 10 Days (@TeamSuperMumbai) April 8, 2017
Lilly said her request for a long-term visa was denied by the consulate even though she frequently travels to India.
She also claimed she has had to pay a different fee for the same business visa every time and the consulate just ‘makes up’ rules.
Lilly Singh – Please contact Mr @VikasSwarup Indian High Commissioner in Canada. Let me see what best can we do for you. @IISuperwomanII
— Sushma Swaraj (@SushmaSwaraj) April 8, 2017
@SushmaSwaraj @VikasSwarup Thank you very much. I appreciate it and will do.have a wonderful day x
— Lilly | #BawseBook (@IISuperwomanII) April 8, 2017
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