A Mumbai-based model was held at the Mumbai’s Sahar airport’s T2 terminal on March 2 for triggering panic during the security check through a thoughtless prank where she asked the CISF personnel to check her friend’s bag as it was carrying a bomb. This incident not only spread a threat in the airport premises but also delayed an Air India flight by one hour.
27-year-old model, Kanchan Thakur queued up with three of her friends as they were to board Air India flight 101 for Delhi. Kanchan was the first one to head for the checking. When her friend was getting checked, she turned to the flight security guard and said,”check her friend’s handbag carefully as it had a bomb inside.”
All hell broke within no time and a panic situation was created. Meanwhile, the security personnel called in the CISF and airport officials.
The officials held all three while asked AI to offload the baggage of the four and leave without them. At this point, Kanchan revealed the truth that it was just a prank. The security officials didn’t release them and a heated conversation erupted between them. The flight offloaded their luggage and left after 10 pm, over an hour behind its scheduled departure at 9 pm, leaving Kanchan and her friends back.
All of them were then taken to the Sahar police station while Kanchan was charged with endangering the life of others and causing fear or alarm among the public and an FIR was lodged against her. They all have asked not yo leave the city. As stated by the CISF official, the model was very angry and argued a lot with the officials. He said,”The furious model argued a lot with the CISF and said that when real terrorists walk into aircraft they do nothing and when she just cracked a joke, they turned it into such a big thing.”
The Air India officials said that they did not want to let them off lightly without teaching a lesson because they had created panic and sent security officials into a tizzy.
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