A Tamil Nadu college has cracked down on a new kind of addiction that’s been taking over young minds. The chief of warden of Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) has been asked to stay away from playing online multiplayer battle royale game, PUBG.
A photo of the circular, which was issued around Friday, by the authorities has been widely circulated on social media. It said, “It has come to our notice that few students are playing online games like ‘PUBG’ which is NOT PERMITTED. Despite our repeated instructions by playing online games inside the rooms which disturbs fellow roommates and spoiling entire atmosphere of the hostel.”
Students were asked to pay more attention to physical games or sports and pay more attention to “career growth”. R Mohanasundaram, associate chief warden of the men’s hostels confirmed to the IndianExpress.com that the circular was not fake because students had become addicted to the students.
Although the circular stated that ‘strict action would be taken’ against those who flout the rules, the hostel authorities claimed that students found playing would just be counselled to not do so, and let off, The News Minute reported.
PUBG or Player Unknowns Battle Ground is a video game for consoles. It is under the battle royale genre and became immensely popular after it hit the market in March 2018. The mobile version of the game was launched on Android and iOS devices and has taken over the market.
Addiction to PUBG has been an issue that even Bengaluru schools have recognised as they warned parents against the ill-effects of the game. School officials claimed that young people tend to play the game for hours at a stretch and cases of addiction had been reported to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences.
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