The police recently arrested the administrator of a Whatsapp group and one of the members of the group in the Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka after a morphed and derogatory photo of Prime Minister Narendra Modi was posted in the group.
According to reports, the WhatsApp administrator has been identified as Krishna Naik who is an autorickshaw driver by profession and hails from Doddalbase village in Bhatkal was arrested on April 30. The group was named as “The Balse Boys”. However, it was not the WhatsApp administrator who posted the photo. Reports suggest that it was Ganesh Naik (30) who uploaded the image on April 14.
The police is currently making efforts to nab the third accused, Bala Krishna, who is on the run. The police told several media houses that the Prime Minister’s photo was made to look ugly and explicit before uploading the photo. They also went on to circulate the picture on several social media platforms.
The incident came into light after another member of the group, Anand Naik registered a complaint. “However, it came to our attention that Krishna Naik had added Ganesh back into the group after the latter left the group. We decided to make him a party to the case because he added a known offender back into the group,” Hindustan times quoted police inspector of Bhatkal circle, Suresh Nayak as saying. However, Krishna naik has been released on bail.
This comes days after the government issued a new order in Varanasi asserting that people posting fake images, stories and spreading rumours on WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter can even go to the jail.
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