The girl who was found living with the monkeys in the jungles of Uttar Pradesh has now found a new name ‘Ehsaas’ at a new shelter house in Lucknow. Since the incident came to light, she was being referred with names like ‘mowgli’, ‘Van Durga’.
In a report published in Times of India, Suresh Dhapola, president of Nirvaan organisation that runs shelter home ‘Balloons’ said, “We do not know her religion. The name that we have given her is not specific to a particular religion and is sort of common to all.”
“The only problem with the girl, what we can make out from her behaviour, is that she has not been civilized. She has not lived with humans and hence can not communicate like we do. It’s difficult to say who she lived with and where,” added Dhapola.
The district hospital in Bahraich where she was being treated mentioned that the girl is 11-years-old. A doctor visited the girl who is now living in a shelter house in Lucknow to take blood samples. There are chances that she might have contracted rabies as she was living with the monkey. She will be vaccinated after the report of tests come out.
The girl was found in living with the troop of monkeys in the forests of Katarniaghat in Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh. It was sub-inspector Suresh Yadav who was on a routine patrolling when he found the girl in the Motipur Range of the forest. She was rescued and was later admitted to a district hospital in Bahraich.
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