Devising a new way to instil patriotism among Muslims, the Madrasa board in BJP ruled Madhya Pradesh has come up with the proposal of a new syllabus that will teach its students why they should love their country and be loyal to it. Talking to Hindustan Times, board chairman Syed Imad said that the state government’s Rajya Shiksha Kendra gave a go-ahead to his idea about 8-9 months ago thereafter a committee of scholars was tasked to prepare its syllabus.
He also expressed hope that the syllabus gets included in the curriculum from the ensuing academic session this year. He also said that the teachings are already there in the holy books so the students are only needed to be taught so that they can share it effectively in their conversations.
When asked about the need of such a proposal and its possible impact on Muslims, Imad said the objective was to educate Muslim students about the teachings of loyalty to the country in the Quran and Hadees.
Meanwhile The Madhya Pradesh government issued a government communiqué on Thusrday saying:“A syllabus is being prepared for students: Watan se mohabbat ka Islam dharm me kya mahatva hai (What is the importance of loving your country in Islam). The syllabus will help students know how much importance the religion they are following has attached to their love and loyalty (Wafadari aur Mohabbaat) to the country,” Hindustan Times quoted from a government communiqué issued on Thursday evening.
However, MP Muslim Vikas Parishad has criticised the move and said that the proposed syllabus sent the message that the Muslims didn’t have loyalty with their country.
“We will have a talk with the government to know why this need arose to include this syllabus all of a sudden and will then decide the further course of action,” its chief Mohd Mahir said.
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