A watchman has been arrested for allegedly trying to rape a 50-year-old woman in her flat in a posh society in Andheri’s Four Bungalows area, Mumbai on April 21. The accused also stabbed the woman when she screamed for help. She has been admitted in the ICU of Cooper Hospital and her intestine has been injured.
Raja Shebu (20), the accused was employed as a temporary watchman at the building in absence of regular guard.
According to the senior police inspector Bharat Gaikwad, Amboli police station said, “Shebu has been charged for rape, criminal trespass and attempt to murder.”
How did it happen?
Shebu, who has consumed alcohol, went up to woman’s flat with the cable operator. Soon after cable operator left, he observed that she was alone at home and tried to strike a conversation and started touching her inappropriately. When the woman raised an alarm, Shebu forced himself on her and tried to rape her. But when the 50-year-old screamed for help, he slapped and punched her. And later when he could not stop her screams, Shebu stabbed her twice in her stomach.
Shebu also strangled the victim’s 85-year-old mother who is a paralysis patient, when she raised an alarm.
On hearing the mother-daughter’s screams, their relatives, who own the other flats on the floor, came rushing.But
But Shebu escaped after assaulting an elderly man who tried to catch him. The relatives chased down Shebu and called the police.
However, Shebu was finally caught by a mob, which thrashed him and handed him over to the police.
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