Recently, a video of two Mumbai traffic police officers allegedly towing away a car with a woman breastfeeding her infant seated inside went viral. In the video posted by ANI, Jyoti Male can be seen breastfeeding the baby in the rear of the car while the cops are towing the vehicle away. As reported by the agency, the woman wasn’t asked to step out of the car before and the video has created a stir for Mumbai traffic police’s negligence. The two cops have been suspended and an inquiry has been ordered but this is not the first incident of police misconduct in India.
No the Policemen towing the car did not even once ask me to get down, even when I told them that I am breastfeeding my baby they still did not stop: Jyoti Male
— ANI (@ANI) November 11, 2017
Here’s a list of instances when men in uniform made headlines for all wrong reasons:
1. Police officers drinking alcohol on duty (March 2017)
As reported by the Indian Express, 15 policemen in Madhya Pradesh’s Gwalior were suspended when a video of them consuming alcohol inside the police station went viral.
#CaughtonCam Policemen drinking beer inside a Police station in Madhya Pradesh’s Gwalior. (14.3.17)
— ANI (@ANI) March 16, 2017
2. Uttar Pradesh cop molesting a minor girl (June 2017)
According to the report published by the NDTV with the video, a constable posted in UP’s Mainpuri touched one of the two minor girls inappropriately, who filed a molestation report.
3. Senior cop molesting lady sub-inspector (September 2017)
During the National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) protests earlier this year in Coimbatore, The News Minute posted a video with a report mentioning how Assistant Commissioner Jayaram groped lady sub-inspector twice while handling the crowd gathered for the protest. The report further stated that the lady sub-inspector did not file any complaint.
4. Women police officers slapped three women (May 2013)
According to a News18 video report, a policewoman repeatedly slapped three women who came to inquire why their sons were kept in the jail for three days on complaint of theft.
5. Indore police harassing couples in a public park (June 2016)
In a video posted by Madhya Pradesh Patrika and as per a report by Daily Bhaskar, Indore police reached heights of moral policing when the Woman PCR team reached a public park and started scolding and blackmailing the young couples sitting there. According to the report, the Deputy Inspector General ordered an inquiry against the Woman PCR team.
6. Judge ordered action against a cop laughing during Aarushi murder case hearing (May 2012)
As per a report by PTI, the special CBI judge got upset with a police woman, Sub-Inspector, Narendra Devi for laughing during the Aarushi murder case hearing. He asked the SSP Ghaziabad to take strict action against her.
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