In a shocking incident, a 20-year-old girl was attacked with acid by two men who were on the bike at Lal Pul near Jawalapur area in Haridwar on May 29. The Muslim girl who is a postgraduate student was allegedly attacked because the miscreants allegedly wanted her family to leave the “Hindu” locality.
According to a report in Times Of India, the girl’s family is the only Muslin family to reside in the area which is dominated by the Hindus. The report further stated that the girl has told the police officials that one of the attackers has also forcefully barged into her house in the past and have sexually assaulted her while threatening her to leave the area with her family.
The girl and her family have lodged a police complaint in the local police station. The report also suggested that one of the attackers identified as Sudhir Singh Tomar, also filed a complaint alleging that the girl’s family was building a house in the area and had allegedly encroached which he was trying to stop. The girl’s mother has however, rejected Tomar’s claims and has asserted that they had been living in the locality for the last 21 years and had only started building the house in October 2016.
“The construction of this house is being objected to by the people in the area on the ground that we are Muslims. The people in the colony instead want to build a temple at the plot, and want to drive us out,” Times of India quoted the girl’s mother as saying. The girl who has sustained serious burn injuries is being treated at the hospital.
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