In a horrendous incident, a man allegedly slit his wife’s throat before clubbing her with a gas cylinder while their kids watched in their Delhi residence. The accused reportedly told the police that he murdered his wife because he suspected that his wife was having an extra marital affair. Days after the incident took place, their elder son has revealed some horrific details while recalling the scene he witnessed.
The 10-year-old boy who watched his father slit his mother’s throat said that all he could do was watch while his mother begged for help. His 4-year-old brother was sleeping in the other room when the incident occurred.
“I could do nothing from inside. My father cut my mother’s throat using a knife. She fell on the floor and wriggled while holding her neck. She could not speak anything after that,” the boy was quoted as saying. The police have affirmed that they have registered a murder case against the accused and have their elder son’s statement as a witness to the crime that took place in the woman’s maternal home.
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The duo had been married for over 12 years and had been undergoing a poor financial condition. The accused identified as Parveen Taneja struggled to keep a job and would often abuse his wife and victim Minakshi. Following which, the woman moved out of their house and went to her village at her parent’s home with her children.
“She must have sensed that Parveen was determined to kill her, so she called out her son’s name and begged him to save her,” the boy’s grandmother said. The two children are now in the custody of their grandparents. “Both boys are traumatised. One of them witnessed the murder while the other saw his mother being cut and crushed,” an investigating officer stated.
Source: Hindustan Times
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