Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad who has stunned the nation with his unruly behaviour seemed to have surprised his wife also. Speaking with news daily, Gaikwad’s wife Usha said that she had never seen his husband’s violent side before.
“Never in my life had I seen anger get the better of him. I called up him up after the incident around midnight and he said the Air India staffers were rude to him even when they knew that he was an MP,” she told mirror.
Apparently, Mrs Gaikwad forgot that her husband was one of the MPs who force fed a Mulsim employee during Ramzaan at the Maharashtra Sadan in Delhi a few years ago.
When she was told that irrespective of provocation, a lawmaker is not supposed to break the law, she said “My husband wanted to do was register a complaint against Air India’s poor service. But, instead of taking down his complaint, they kept on arguing. Finally, when they used the name of our prime minister disrespectfully, he lost his cool and hit the staffer.”
Holding the Air India staffer responsible for his violent behaviour, she said, ” I had never imagined my husband would be hitting somebody, like he did in Delhi. For the first time, his violent side has been seen and that was mostly because of the rude behavior by the airline staffers.”
Gaikwad, a two time MLA, is now representing the Osmanabad constituency in the Lok Sabha. He was teacher by profession.
Gaikwad is in the eye of storm for hitting a 60-year-old Air India staffer with slippers and continues to defend his action despite facing huge criticism for his shocking behaviour. After being barred from flying, Gaikwad boarded August Kranti REajdhani Express to reach Mumbai.
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