A 25-year-old woman working as a domestic help in e-commerce giant Myntra’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ananth Narayanan’s house has been arrested for theft worth Rs 1 crore. Bhavani Mudupatti has also confessed to having stolen gold and diamond jewellery from the top executive’s house and handing them over to her fiance and an associate for future plans.
On September 6, Narayanan had filed a complaint alleging that jewellery worth Rs 1 crore were stolen from his Lavelle Road residence in Bengaluru while he was travelling abroad along with his family. Sources within the police department told a leading website that the jewellery had been located but the CEO would be able to recover it only through court.
According to police, Bhavani’s fiance Suresh was employed as a driver with Narayanan but shifted to Chennai in March after leaving his job. However, he was in constant touch with Bhavani. It was later learnt that the maid had also quit, but was working until October on the family’s request before a replacement was found. A day after filing the complaint, she was quizzed by the police. She had made a total of 25 calls to Suresh that put her under suspicion.
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Suresh reportedly hatched the plan while Bhavani executed it with the help of duplicate keys. Seven diamond necklaces, 24 pairs of earrings, six gold bangles, four diamond bracelets were among the ornaments stolen from Narayanan’s house. The police officials said that both the accused were going to marry in November and settle abroad.
Source: TOI
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