Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday took a direct jibe at the Samajwadi Party, saying it was only interested in saving the family. Addressing a rally in Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh, Modi slammed both the ruling party in the state and Bahujan Samaj Party.
“The Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party both loot in their own turns, and when the other comes to power they never take action against the other. SP-BSP-BSP-SP. The power keeps shifting, and in this game, this land never reached its potential. You have faced enough. If you want to escape this trap then you need to get out of this trap of Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party. Let’s break the cycle of SP-BSP and choose instead to make Uttar Pradesh an “Uttam Pradesh”,” Prime Minister Modi said while addressing a rally in Mahoba, a district in Bundelkhand here.
He said he has requested the citizens to dedicate message and a well wish for all the jawans and security forces this Diwali.
Escalating his attack on the Samajwadi Party, the Prime Minister said the farmers in Mahoba have faced grave injustice as this land is capable of reaping gold but farmers got no water.
“Earlier I used to ask people from Bundelkhand in Gujarat if they were from Uttar Pradesh or Madhya Pradesh. They all used to say Uttar Pradesh then I stopped asking. Because then I realised that had these people been from Madhya Pradesh they wouldn’t have to come all the way to Gujarat for employment,” he added.
Expressing confidence, Prime Minister Modi said the people would give absolute majority to the Bharatiya Janata Party in the upcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections.
Taking a jibe at both the Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party, the Prime Minister said: “On one side, there are those who want to save their family. On the other side, there are those who just want power. While, we are those who just want to save Uttar Pradesh. This land of Uttar Pradesh is our mother, and we won’t let our mother be looted anymore.”
Money was provided to Bundelkhand for some projects, and yet no work was done here…you will be very sad to hear this.” Stating that Uttar Pradesh has given many Prime Ministers to the nation, Prime Minister Modi said the state has a claim on him as well.
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